Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cessna 150-152 Fly In - Clinton Iowa!

Just got back this past Saturday from attending the 8th Annual Cessna 150-152 National Fly In!

Unfortunately due to some thunderstorms and the steep rise in gas prices this year, we were down to a little over 60 airplanes. Last year there were close to 100. The Michigan contingent was well represented this year, with six planes participating.

This year the Michigan "Bug Smashers" joined up with the East Coast "OutKasts" for a 14 ship formation flight from Knox Starke County, Indiana KOXI to Clinton, Iowa KCWI.
Click here for the 14 planes fueling and getting ready to depart KOXI!

The video below is from our "Good Ole Boys Southern Squadron" made during their journey to Clinton in 2007.