Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thing #2 "The Blog"

Well, my blog is actually very old about 3 years. I created a way for my fellow pilot friends to share information about where we going to go flying on the weekends, in the hopes that we could fly as a group or go places to meet up. Previously we used email but that was usually in the past tense, in a mass email that one of guys would send out to tell where everyone had gone and done when flying.

I started the 100 Mile Per Hour Club, as blog and took the name from the guy who started the email list, because most of our airplanes are lucky to do 100 miles per hour.

The blog sort of died, when the older non-techie pilots couldn't figure out how to leave a post.

In school, we have tried blogs before, but weren't real successful, because our students didn't use it appropriately. This two was about three years ago. Hopefully as Google Education comes online, we can give it another shot.

1 comment:

Mr. Marabeas said...

The phrase I have been using with the teachers completing the program is that technology is a tool, much like a pencil. You give a kid a pencil and he/she will draw or doodle until you teach them how to write and take notes. We have discussed this before. We need to teach students to use technology as a tool for learning. That is our job. The tools in this program are really cool and fun. This will get their attention, but we then need to take that 'cool factor' and turn it into a learning opportunity.

You're right. When we get the students using Google accounts, they will begin to use these tools more productively. We as teachers HAVE to be not only comfortable using these tools, but masters at how they can be used in the classroom for learning.