Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thing #5 Managing your RSS Feeds

If your like me, you sometimes get overwhelmed and have to just start over. I can see this happening with RSS Feeds. Less is more has always been something I tried to do in my professional life. Do something good instead of a bunch of stuff okay! Now, like I said in "Thing 4" using RSS feeds to track student comments in a blog is one thing, but if your trying to track to many blogs or to many things, it could get overwhelming. Now, I'll have to see how this works as I follow the progress of my fellow Teachers in the 23 Things project. I'm suppose to comment and encourage y'all. So I'll use the RSS feed and subscriptions to keep track of whose where and what your learning. Now, management of the new content is key and if you can provide timely feed back, then I think that is something that will help our students learn in the long run.

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